Friday, January 25, 2013

My little 18 month old boy!!

Austin had his 18 month old checkup a few weeks ago and he sure is a little guy!! We are cutting him a little slack since he had just been sick for a few days but here are his percentiles... 30.2 inches (4%) and 20lbs (0.35%)!! But he has already gained almost a pound since then, and the doctor isnt worried, he will grow when he is ready!!
But he sure is an energetic little man! So happy and active these days! And with so much to say, just wish we could understand more, Haha, I think he gets that from me!! But he is communicating much more and really lets us know when he doesnt get what he wants!! He loves to play with all the dogs, but we are pretty sure that Buster is his favorite to torture, I mean play with!! He still is a great sleeper and napper. He has started to do a happy dance, and I will try to catch that on video! He is very helpful with household chores including loading and unloading the dishwasher and washing machine. He loves to kiss the baby in Mommys belly...and then insists on kissing Daddys belly too! So probably isnt understanding that situation yet! I think he is going to be a great big brother!

And a video of our budding musician!!

New Years Weekend!

What a fun weekend! Unfortunately Austin was sick and we were afraid we werent even going to make it to the fesitivies in the bay! But lucky for everyone he felt better and we were able to go join in on the fun! Dan and I went to the niners last home game on the 30th and Grandma Carol and Julie babysat! I think everyone had a blast!!

Austin hanging out with Grandma Carol and Auntie Julie!

 Tailgating group! We had such a blast!!

The whole gang after the Niners WIN!!

New years eve we hung out with Tim and Jammie early at their house party, and then ended at Uncle Donny's bday celebration. Austin was a trooper even though he still wasnt feeling the best!!

 Austin played with all of the kids running around and said 'Julie' and 'Joey' for the first time! But the only pics I got were of him and Ava!! They are cuties!!

Hocus Pocus!! 
Austin has now started chanting this on his own and then insisting he must look in everyones ear!!

On New Years Day we hung around with Grandma Kristy and went to lunch with Aunt Wendy and Uncle Brian. So much family fun!!

 Looks like such a big boy with his backpack on!!

 Playing with Aunt Wendy

 Arent you guys ready to go yet?

Making some music with Grandma Kristy!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas Day!

We had our usual three house christmas on christmas day this year, and Austin had a blast at each one!! Such a trooper!!

At Grandma Kristys:
 Hanging with Nana!

 Opening presents with Grandma Kristy!

 Tia and Austin


 Goofing around with Mr PotatoHeads glasses!

Over to Grandma Carol and Grandaddys!

 Mini-nap with Daddy!

 My two look-alikes playing with Julies bearded dragons

 Austin loved all of the nutcracker decorations, he called them all 'Santa'!

 Love these boys!!

 Playing with Grandma Carol!

 Family Pic!

Off to Pop and Nanas for dinner:
 Cousin Lovin'!

 Austin and Steph

Such a fun time! Cant wait til next year!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas at Home!

Christmas Eve we celebrated christmas at home! And GramaShell and Gramsy were able to be there with us!!

 The Stockings all hung by the chimney with care!!

Santa came!!!

 Austin checking out his santa gift!

 I think he likes it!

 Daddy likes it too!

 Love this hat!

Playing with all his toys!

 Austin loves his chair and table set from GramaShell!!


 On the computer with Gramsy

 Merry Christmas!!

December Fun!

What a fun month December was!!

 Weston is growing up into such a smiley cutie!!

 And Elaina is growing too!!!

 Lexi had her second birthday, and we had a little party for her at our place!

 Austin was very into christmas this year! He loved to help decorate the christmas tree!  
He also  loved pointing out every Santa we saw!
Although actually sitting with Santa for a picture wasnt quite as fun, but santa made it work!

 We took all of the kids to walk through a CandyCane lane of xmas lights! They loved it!!

The kiddos checking out Santas workshop!

The Jones Fam!

 We also took Austin to BounceTown for the first time since he was really walking well, and he loved it!!!

 Playing in the bouncy house!

 Playing on the jungle gym!!

 Just horsing around with Daddy!

 Im cute and I know it!

 Playing in Austins cardboard house!

 Pics of the house in the winter!