Saturday, February 11, 2012

Oregon Trip!!

We made our annual winter trip up to Oregon to visit the family and as usual we had a great time! Jen, Travis, Pop, Nana, and Kristy joined us! Austin had a blast playing with all the kids and being the center of attention!  I wish there would have been a little more snow so we could have done some sledding like last year but oh well!!


 Airsoft crew ready for combat, and their mascot Austin!
 Having some lunch...
 and watching the superbowl!

 Playing with cousins!!

 Austin eating his first Popsicle

On the way home we all stopped to eat some yummy burritos and Austin tried his first bite of lime!

7 months....a little late!

Well this is Austins 7 month photo shoot, a little late! Austin has become quite the little mover! Crawling everywhere and pulling himself up on everything! Unfortunately, he isn't as stable as he wishes he was, so there is a lot of falling also!! He looks like he is ready to get up and run! My guess is that he will be taking steps at 9.5 months, but we will see! He is now giving high five pretty consistently, and looks like maybe he is signing milk, what a smart little man!  He is getting really hard to get a sitting picture of him with his stuffed animals so this is the best I could do!

 Im gonna get you Mommy!!

 Maybe I will just lay down with my Teddy for a bit!

 Love my turtle!

 Finally a smile!!

First two teeth!!