Monday, May 30, 2011

Dan's First Race

Over the weekend Dan entered into a dirtbike race at a track here in sacramento! I think he did GREAT especially since it was his first time ever!! Dan is on the blue bike and wearing orange and blue, Here are some videos...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Belly Pics! 34 weeks!

I finally have a few more belly pics!! I cant believe that we have less than 6 weeks before my little boy could be here!!! Getting excited and anxious to hold that lil monkey!

34 weeks

Big ole belly!!

Me and Trinette at her baby shower

Monday, May 2, 2011

Washington DC

Dan and I were able to take our last long vacation before having to take kiddies along!! We went to Washington DC for 3 days and then drove down to south carolina to meet up with his dad, siblings and significant others. We met all of Dans aunts, uncles and some cousins that all still live around where Richard grew up! We had fun both places, but my camera stopped working so I only have DC pics...SC pics to come!

The white house preparing for the annual egg roll

View of Washington Monument from the Lincoln Memorial

At the Lincoln Memorial

Changing of the Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (it was quite a ceremony!)

Capitol building