Friday, December 30, 2011

6 months and a very happy half birthday!!

6 months old and such a big boy!! Austin is really starting to have his own personality, ideas and humor! This little kid cracks us up! He is starting to eat in his highchair and so far has tried green beans, peas, and carrots and loved all three! He hasnt started crawling yet, but is slowly starting to push up onto his knees. He is babbling more these days too! We are really trying to start signing to him more so maybe in a few months he will be able to sign back!  He is finally in his crib for bedtime every night, even though he isnt the biggest fan sometimes! We love this little guy and it is so much fun watching him grow and explore!

 Standing by himself...too bad I didnt get my hand out of the way!!
Such a big boy!!


First a couple pre xmas pics!
 Gavin and Brandi decorating a gingerbread house!

Austin taking a nap during xmas shopping!

Xmas' down south with the HamCoSigJo Clan!

 Austin and Gavin having fun watching the pups

 What a handsome little man!

 I wonder who is teasing the baby again!

Wait a sec...your telling me Santa brings presents!!
 Cousins bathtime!

Cope Xmas!
 Happy Boy!
 The whole Cope Family!
 Lexi santa diaper butt!

Austins first time on a slide! I think he likes it!!

HamCoSigJo Xmas!
 Best we could do getting a pic of all the kids!
 Already a Kawi boy!!!

 Sharing a ribbon with Sofia

 Got to see Auntie Kelly too!

 My little boy is growing up so fast!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Pics!

Well Kim comes through again with great Christmas pics of the kiddies! Unfortunately Lexi didn't want to smile, but we got some good ones anyways! Thanks again Kim!! Also had to sneak in a few pics of Austin with the pups! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gavin and Lexi's bday party weekend

Im sure there will be many more posts and many more pics of this last weekend, but Im hoping I have some here that nobody else does! We had a blast celebrating Lexi and Gavin, as well as Auntie Nette and Uncle Ryan! Happy Birthday!!! Most of the fam from So Cal made it up: GramaShell and Gumpa Ric, Uncle Ryan and Grandpa Dave..(we missed you auntie adg!) Anthony's family all made it out for the party and Auntie Nette, Uncle Mike and Cousin Kendall stayed a few days.  GGma and GGpa made it out from Utah, and thanks to Cindy, Andy and Sofia for making the trip all the way from Chicago to join in on the fun!

 Austin enjoying some 1 on 1 play time with GGpa

 Theres that smiley Sofia!

 Always happy to wear Daddys hats!

 Best shopping trip ever!!

Grandpa Dave playin with Austin

And Im off...!!!

Naked babies!!

Gavin napping before his party!

Birthday Girl turns 1!!!
 I love Santa!

 And Im a cutie!!

It was a long weekend for everyone!
All the babies in xmas pjs!!