Friday, November 29, 2019

Baseball season 2019

Since im so far behind in blogging the baseball season is over.  The boys really did improve but it may be bittersweet as Wyatt has decided that baseball is boring and he never wants to play again.  He has decided he wants to race dirt bikes instead. And Austin has decided to take a break as well, not sure if he will ever want to do it again at this point. So on to the fun of our possible last baseball season! Go Nationals!!

Opening day!!

First game!

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Game 5

March 2019

Wyatt spent a weekend in the bay by himself. hanging out with Everett and grandma kristy.

Tia and uncle tim took him to his first climbing gym!

Always riding dirt bikes!

Buster finally agreeing Cali can stay!

Cali doesn't understand how big she has gotten!

I found wyatts first note to a girl in kindergarten!

Elaina and our neighbor Jojo have become best of friends!

Finished lego!

Elaina got to spend tons of time with Auntie B recently since her day care closed! They get to hang out until Emmy starts TK in August! Thanks Auntie!

And she spoils her!!

my ballerina!

March Birthdays Party!

dirt bike riding...

And there was also baseball....