Friday, June 29, 2018

Wyatt Graduates from Preschool!

Wyatt said goodbye to his preschool friends at Creation Station as he readies to go to Extended Day with Austin for the summer and then on to Kindergarten!! Wyatt has been begging and so looking forward to joining his big brother he could not be more excited!!

Ice cream and presents after!!


We headed to vegas for the supercross finals with Chris, Korbie, Martin and Jen! So much fun! Thanks to Gma Kristy and Tia and Uncle Tim and all others who helped out babysitting!

Kid free weekends start with a beer in the airport!

On our way!

Getting ready!

Lets get ready 

 Kids had a blast too!!!

Everyone was exhausted! Mommy gets to drive!!

Cruiser Day out looking for snow!

Out looking for some snow wheeling with the family! Such a fun day!

Started the day with some fishing!

Ended up hanging at the rubicon for lunch!

Watched a truck tip over!

Played in the snow with Daddy and Uncle Marty!

Finally found some snow to get stuck in!!