Monday, January 29, 2018

Visiting Santa!!

We always have a blast visiting santa with the Sigonas! We even had lunch afterwards with the Dunns and Collados! Its beginning to look a lot like christmas!!


Brands was cold! Thanks Wyatt!

Decorating the house...


Hot chocolate time!

Christmas Tree Shopping and Decorating!

We got our tree from the same lot we have the last couple years. Not as excited about it this year and hope to brave the idea of cutting down our own tree again next year! But the kids still had fun running around picking and of course decorating is more fun every year!

My little elf!

We found the shirt Dan wore to his bachelor party and now its Wyatts favorite sleep shirt!

My little owlette!

Picking out their first ornament to hang!

Emmys first turn to put the snowman up! She was so excited!!


Hmm..lets try that again!

Daddy balancing on a couch....uhhhhh...

Try a different angle....


Nope! Haha!

Okay, last try!

Go go go!!!

So close!

But arent they just so cute!!

Love these kids!!