Sunday, August 20, 2017

July pics and vids

More fun on the slip and slide!

Too cute!

Beddy bear was ripping, Austin asked if he could take a picture with him for his last night!

Austin loves telling jokes!

This kid cracks me up!

Reading his new joke book!

Wyatt swimming without a life jacket!!

GGs 99th birthday!

They love GGG!!

Happy Auntie moment!

Magic Mountain and quick trip down south with Austin

After our Oregon trip Austin and I spent less than 12 hours at home. We turned around and headed down south for a quick trip. A very close childhood friends dad passed away and we went for the funeral. The Sigonas were already down having a week at magic mountain so we joined them for a day!

Rides with the kiddos!



They were seriously straight up and down!

Lexis face!!

Me and my boy!

Group pics!

Cousin dressup
Everett was not hurt in this video, but if you can slow it down when he takes his leap its pretty amazing he was okay!

Always nice to see the bro!
