Thursday, December 8, 2016

Disneyland Day 2

Day Two and the kids were ready to go back!!

 Happy even when waiting in line!

We had a blast at the character breakfast at Goofys Restaurant! 


 Still being silly at dinner!

They were tired though!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Disneyland Day 1(California Adventure)

Dan and I couldnt believe how much fun we had at Disneyland!  It was much more magical and wonderful than I could have imagined! Cant wait to do it again!! First day we drove from TO and made it very close to opening! Thanks Tia for the matching shirts!

All ready to go!

 Kids excited! Okay tired from the 7 hour drive yesterday and 2 hour this morning....

 Arrival at California Adventure!
Group pictures are hard!

 Minnie came too!

Up in Mickey Ferris Wheel!

 The crew waiting below!

 Emmy loved it!!

 Could these two get any cuter!

 Everyone loved the bumper cars!

 The kids were all so good about waiting in line!

 Whole gang!

 Family pic!

 Beer makes waiting in line better!!

 Austin was so excited to get his picture taken with the REAL Lightning McQueen!!

 Sometimes you just have to be silly!

 Lainey decided it was time for a break!
 And just a little cranky!
Making herself comfortable!

Last picture of the night! I couldnt believe the boys were still up(Emmy had passed out)! They got to pick out these hats, took like 20 minutes for them to decide! Then they wanted to pose for a picture! Love these boys and such a great first day!