Saturday, October 3, 2015

EmyJ is 10 months!!

This baby seems to be suddenly turning into a little girl! So happy and giggling all the time! She is crawling everywhere and She loves to pull herself up to stand up on everything, and is starting to take some steps holding on to the furniture! She has two bottom teeth and two top teeth! She loves fruit and breads, but meat is probably her favorite! This little girl keeps getting sweeter and cuter!

Love her smiles!

 Oh, did you want this headband on my head??

Love my turtle!

And shes gone!

 But Wyatt wants to pose!
 His smile melts me!

 Lets get a group one! 

 Standing up on everything!!

EmJ at 10 months
Clap clap clap!!

Favorite thing to do!

First really good crawling!

More clapping for buba!


Standing up!!

September 15

Love watching my kiddos playing with eachother!!


 Daddy took Austin hunting the property!

 First 49ers game of the season!

 Play Ball!
 Austin took one too!

 EmJ is standing up on P!

 Playing with Buster!

Lainey loves her shoes! 

Tackle Daddy! Even the baby wants to play!

Austin making Lainey laugh in the car!

Its bed time but Daddy and EmJ still want to play!

Silly Boys!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Dunn Wedding!

There are so many wedding pics, but these are a few of my favs!
Prewedding photos:
 My family pics!

My boys!

 Love these girls!

Jones cousins!
CoSigJo Cousins!!

Bride and Groom with all of their grandkids!
The bride and the little girls!

 Hi Nana!

 Getting ready!!
Starting the ceremony! All of the kids did so great!

Even Charlie walked along!

Here She Comes!!

Yayy! Mr and Mrs Dunn!!!

 Our little poser!!

 Love these guys!


 Getting ready....