Monday, August 10, 2015

Folsom Lake Camping DunnSigJo

 It was a little chilly down by the water in the mornings

 Trying to warm up!

 Too cute!

 Fun for us too!

 Silly little girl!


 Love Austins face in this one!

 GramaShells oldest and youngest grandbaby!

 Laineys first kayak ride!

8.5 month update!

EmJ is learning so many new things daily Im having a hard time keeping up! So just to update everyone... She is now is able to pull herself up to stand! She hasnt done it unprompted on furniture yet, but she is able to! She can push herself up from and laying position to sitting. And she is waving! She is also very close to crawling!


Pulling up!

Kids Play

 Wyatt driving the baby around in Daddys 4runner!

 Sleepy girl!

 Austin reading to his bro and sis!
I just about died watching this!! 

Who wore it best!
Lexi was just about the same age as Lainey here!

Lainey was so tired! She goes straight from laugh to cry!

On the treehouse:
Love them all playing together!

July 2015

Fun pics of July!
 So happy that they have eachother!

 Poor baby smiles with mommy even when she has a rash!

 Cant beat the feeling when these two play together!

 Austin practicing writing his name!

 Morning snuggles!

 The whole family went to Johnny Rockets and even Lainey had fun!

 Austin wanted a silly face one too!

 Yogurt with the Sigona cousins!

Sarah Westons first bday party!

 The youngest Jones' cousins enjoying some watermelon!

 Napping with Uncle B!

I didnt realize sleeping positions were genetic! 

Lainey and Austin talking

Having fun with Daddy in the pool!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Visit with the Horns

We went to visit a high school friend a couple weeks ago! The kids all had a blast exploring their acreage with lakes, a pig, golf carts, swing sets and a pool! Such a fun, long day!

 All of the kiddos!

 Playing at the lake

 Fun on the golf carts!

 Old friends are the best!