Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Lainey is now 7 months!

Elaina is a happy 7 month old! We havent found anything she doesnt like to eat but cant see any sign of a tooth yet! She is sleeping through the night about 50% of the time, Mommy just keeps hoping for more! She is wearing 12-18 month clothes! She rolls and squirms all over the place, but not really trying to crawl yet. Her favorite thing is to play with her brothers!

 I remember this turtle tasted good!

 Pretty girl!

 Done yet?
 Love her!

 Wyatt loves Lainey!

 The Jones kids!

Look whos growing!
7 months
6 months
5 months
4 months
3 months
2 months
1 month

Last of June

 Tryin on Daddys boots!

 First hair clip!

She loves the swing!

Daddy being silly!

Wyatt and EmJ playing!

The lake trip!
 Perfect playpen!

 Resting up!

 I like watermelon!

 Ready to go!

 Wyatts first tube ride!

Austin being brave and getting back on the tube after his first fall while riding with Auntie Julie!

Copes come to visit!

Its so much fun when all of the cousins can get together! Wish they lived closer! The kids had a blast playing on the new swingset, but it was so hot most of our time was spent in the pool!

Weston getting brave!

Swimming kids!

Wyatt LOVED Ever!!