Sunday, March 8, 2015

Elmo Babys!!

The Elmo PJs have made it all of the way through a second generation of the Cope Grandkids!
First some pics from Elainas photo shoot!

 Half smile...
 Are we doing this again?

 Slightly amused...
Almost there...

Perfect! Elaina

And all the rest:




Saturday, March 7, 2015

Baby EmJ is 3 months!

Our baby girl is so much fun! She is really babbling and smiling a lot now! She is pretty ticklish and loves to laugh especially in the morning! Her favorite place is still her changing table, silly girl! She is really starting to love playing with toys also! Still not rolling over, but she is enjoying her tummy time mat. She usually is a good sleeper and will give Mommy at least 7 or so hours at night with some longer stretches! This chubby little cheeky girl has all our hearts!

 Smiles with my turtle!

 Monkey time!

Elaina at 3 months
Wyatt at 3 months
Austin at 3 months!

Fun with Clothes!

 Sandals and sweater by GGma!

 Sweater by Auntie Wendy!

 Smiles by Chubby Cheeks!

 Headband and sweater by Oma!