Friday, May 23, 2014

South Carolina Trip!

We were able to all make a trip back to South Carolina to visit the Jones side of the family thanks to Richard and Carol! The last time we went I was 31 weeks pregnant with Austin! Such fun and so exhausting running all over SC visiting family! The kids had a blast, so lucky to have such a wonderful family!!

We spent a lot of time fishing at Uncle Tunk and Aunt Lindas!

Austins first fish! Not a quite a keeper!
 Story time!

 This is how a family goes for a truck ride in SC!

 Austin, Julie and Daddy in the fishing boat!

 Wow, this SC dirt is gooood!!
 Want some?

 Austin testing the water with Uncle Tunk!

 Football with Uncle Tunk!


At Gramamas house playing in the front yard:

 Everyone getting a ride on the lawnmower!

 The whole gang with Gramama!

Myrtle Beach:

 Austin had a blast getting buried in the sand!
 He was scared if he moved it would mess it up!

 Wyatt was unsure of the coldish water at first, but then he really loved it!

 Giving cousin Millie some love!

Playing in the pool at cousin Millies house!

Airplane pics:
 Waiting for our plane!

 Preboarders photo op!

 Best way to transport kids and their carseats in the airport!

 Kids playing nice on the plane!

 And some randoms:
 Austin giving Mickey a piggyback ride to the hotel room!

 He wanted his pic taken in the rental van!

And one more of him fishing! He sure had an amazing attention span to casting!!

WEJ 11 mopnths

Wyatt at 11 months...well it was a couple months ago but he sure was a cutie!! He was taking steps,but still determined not to be a walker yet! I couldn't keep him still enough to get any pics with the usual stuffed animals either! Love that kiddo!

Why would you walk when crawling is this much fun!

Two bottom teeth!
And top teeth coming in too!

Driver in Train

A few more steps caught on tape