Thursday, March 13, 2014

Oregon trip Winter 2014

With the kids being sick almost all of February, we were really lucky to squeeze in our annual winter trip up to Oregon! We stayed with the newest Oregonians, Travis, Jen, and Elle! There wasnt a ton of snow, but enough that the kids could pay and even sled a little! We always have so much fun up there with the family!

We went to a park that had a lot of tree to protect the snow, so there was still a bunch on the ground!

Trying a little body sledding!

How adorable is this little girl?? Melts my heart how happy she always is!

Wyatt wasnt too sure about the cold wet snow!


Snowball fight with Daddy!

And with Uncle Travis!

Playing with Elle!

Me and Austin practicing our happy faces!
And our sad ones too!

The gloves and mittens were a gift from Elle, Think he will wear them next year too!

Having fun in Trav and Jens backyard! The backyard is huge!

Wyatt and Auntie Jen

A girl and her dog!

Wagon rides!!

The kids had a great time all playing together in the house too!!
Watching movies!

I loved how Elle and Austin ran and wrestled all over with eachother!


Wyatt thinks its fun too!

Ring around a rosie!

Bath  time!
Story time!

We headed out to a local school park!

Elle seriously loves the swings!

It was quite cold!

 Wyatt was worn out!

We also got to spend a day at Jen and Ross's place!
Where the kids played tackle and chase again!
Austin just resting on the bear rug....
When he is attacked!
This ones blurry, but I love how I caught Elles feet in the air!

I love that sequence!!

There was even enough snow for the kids to go sledding! 

sledding outside!

Austin learning how to control Daddys toy!

Alex playing with Elle

Hanging out with Alex

Snuggles with Auntie Jen!

Austin got to ride on the quad with Daddy!

Crazy night quad driving!

Austin was captivated by Uncle Jerrys story! I once caught a fish that was this big!!

Hanging with Auntie!

Sleeping on the long drive home!