Friday, March 8, 2013

31 Week Belly Pic!

Only 6 more shifts of work before Im going out on maternity leave!! Yay! This pregnancy has been so much kinder than last time, really no nausea or reflux to speak of! Such a good girl already!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Elaina's Southern Cali Babyshower!!

Me, Austin, Brandi and Lexi headed down south last weekend for Elaina's Babyshower! Thanks to Adrienne and My mom for setting up and hosting such a wonderful shower! You guys are the best! And thanks to everyone who came, I have one lucky little girl with so much excitement and love surrounding her arrival!!

 Guessing Calendar!

 Me and Soon to be Auntie Penel again!!

 So Cute!

 Kelly, Baby Ryan, and Lauren

 Aunt Janell and Rosie


 So many kids!

 Ryan and Eve

 Lexi and Beau!

 Group wagon ride!

 Eve and Lexi

 Austin loves Auntie Penel!!

 How many kids fit in the wagon??

 Me and baby Weston, such a sweetie!!

Me and my little man!!

Sunday was pool day!! So much fun at the hotel pool and spa!!

 Weston joining in on the fun in his wet bumbo!!




 Austin loved the pool and had no fear at all about jumping in!! We are going to have to watch this one, and swim lessons start this spring!!

Gramsy and Grandpa Cope came to play for sunday afternoon and evening!
Pizza time!!!

 Gramsy playing rocket ships with Lexi!

I love this kid!!

 Austin loved baby Weston too!

 Grandpa Cope and Austin! I love Austins cheese face!!

Playing with Uncle Ryans phone!
