Thursday, July 26, 2012

Austin's July update

Daddy and Mommys birthday present to Austin for his 1st bday was a train table complete with tracks, trains, helicopter and scenery!! We had a great time putting it together, and Austin loved taking it all apart!! He really seems to enjoy it!

 The presentation!
 The desruction begins!!

 Austins first bike ride on his first bike!! He still doesnt reach the pedals but it has a great handle so we can push him around!

GG's 94th birthday party!
 Austin was crabby and needed a nap, I tried everything to get him to stop fussing, and finally just threw him next to GG for a pic....he calmed down immediately and layed with her for 30 minutes!! Austin loves his GGG!!

Austins second haircut!

Austin is final able to push himself forward on his kawi!!

Austin eating with a fork!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hope Valley Camping Trip 2012

This past weekend was our annual Hope Valley Camping trip!! The second for me and Austin! We had a blast! It was rained a bit Thursday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were beautiful and warm. But Sunday night we had thunder, lightning and hail!! Austin loved it and said WOW! at the lightning! We had a really good turn out, but missed those that weren't able to come! Hope everyone else had as much fun as we did and we cant wait to do it again next year!!

 Daddy teaching Austin how to ride the MiniBike!

 Lunch Time!!

 A boy, his truck, and his dogs...who could ask for more!

 Me and my Mama!

 Puppies taking a rest

 Going for another ride!!

 Whos a little cutie!!

 Dirty Face!!

 GramaShell and Austin

 Pretty Puppy!

 Playing at the River!

On Friday Larry took a bunch of us on a four wheeling trip up to 12000 ft to see the best view in Tahoe!! So amazing!! The pics dont come close to doing it justice!!

 The pups enjoyed the view too!

 Lexi and Austin had so much fun playing together!!
 The bike trailer was a big hit!

 Aunt B giving the kiddos a ride!

 Such a cool little camping table that my moms friend, Monique brought!

 Looking at the stars in the dark...I think the flash was a bit much for Austin!

 Hanging out with Tia for the pancake breakfast!

 More fun in the water!!
 Come on Uncle Brian, lets go!!

 Happy, tired pups!

 Gavin and Aunt Wendy hanging out with Daisy!

 Brandi and her little girl!

 GramaShell with the kids!

 Going for a swim with daddy!

 Beer(Table) Pong in the water!

 Wendy and Stephani

 Uncle Tim with Millie and Austin


 Uncle Anthony learned to ride the dirtbikes!!! 

 Tim taking Steph for a ride!

 GramaShell with her Grandkids!!

 Snuggles with Aunt B!

 Gavin and Austin have so much fun together!!

On Sunday most of the campers left, but the Sigonas and GramaShell came exploring up to Blue Lakes and we found a great spot with beautiful views!!

 The dogs enjoyed it too!!

 This is Austins new favorite sign, Uh-oh!

 Snack break!

 All Smiles!


 My fav group shot!

 My wonderful family!! How lucky am I??

 Brandi and her babies!

 Dinnertime back at the campsite!

 We managed to get all the kids in the trailer for a ride with GramaShell!

 Rock climbing with Daddy!

Where did it go? Uh-Uh-Ohhh!!

 Austin is signing so much now!!

Dancing with Tia!!