Monday, October 17, 2011

Laughing Baby Videos!

We sure do have a happy laughing baby on our hands!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kimmie and Kevins Western Wedding!

Kim and Kevin got married last weekend at a beautiful location with western theme! It was great and there was so much to do! Mini golf, roasting marshmallows over an open fire, panning for gold, archery, sling shot target practice, and gambling! Not to mention the usual wedding festivities!! what a blast!

 Brandi and Lexi

 The Jones'

 Kevin and his guys

 Kim and Kev

 Dan in his western getup with Austin in his cute suit!

 Brands and Lexi

 Me and my little guy

 Say hi to little gangster Babyface Two Chins!

 Us with our high school friend Jenna and her little boy Dylan

 What a cutie!!!