Friday, September 10, 2010

South Carolina, RiverCats Baseball Game, Mountain Biking, Catalina, and Wendys Bday,!!

Dan recently went back to south carolina with his dad to visit family. He had so much fun we are going back next April!! I cant wait!!

Gramama and Mr Buddy's house

The big PeeDee River

Dad, (Wayne and Brenda in the background) on the big PeeDee
Huge Brim fish

So pretty
Aunt Linda, Dad, Aunt Elizabeth

Dad, Uncle Tunk, Aunt Elizabeth, Gramama, Mr Buddy, Aunt Linda

Uncle Tunk and Aunt Linda's house

Dan got all of us seats right on the field for the playoffs!! It was a great back and forth game, unfortunately it ended with the home team down three runs!! But it was still very fun! Brandi and Anthony
Dan with the frisbee he caught! Me with Gavin, and Gavin with his Kettlecorn(you couldnt rip that yummy popcorn outta his hand!!

The Jones'
Mama B and her future baseball star!!

Uncle ("Guncle" as Gavin would say it) Dan and Gavin
Gavin hitchin a ride with his Papa

Even though I am taking a lot of falls still, its all worth it for the views from the top!!
Team Jones!!

CATALINA!! The second annual HamCoSigJo's reunion was a success!! We all had a blast in catalina! The boys caught a ton of fish, the girls were able to relax on the beach...Good times!! But why do I only have this pic from the trip???


Wendy's Birthday!! Aunt Vicky, Ava, and Wendy
Jim and Kristy
Trying to get the guys to take a pic ....

Seriously guys, just smile...
wow, this might be impossible....

Thats better! Top to bottom, left to right: Tim, Pop, Richard, Jim, Brian and Dan!!
Only one take for the girls!!: Kristy, Jammie, Nana, Me and Wendy!!
Me and my Hubby!