Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving and beyond!

So even though I had to work on Thanksgiving and the day after I was still able to have a Turkey Day thanks to the Sigona's for hosting a Saturday TG day! The Ellmores came down, Jen and Trav and Tnette and Mike were all able to make it. The kids seemed to have fun together opening their early xmas presents!

Gavin was a little under the weather and he might have shared more than pretzels! Check out the snotty drool!!!

What fun with Auntie Jen!

Izzy playing Peek-a-boo with Gavins xmas present

On Sunday B, Gavin, Ant, Dan and I drove a long ways to find a xmas tree of our very own to cut down..what a blast! Here are some pics...Gavins first time in the snow, and in his snowsuit!
Gavin: "I cant put my arms down!"

Me and the G-Man

Carrying the boy up the hill!

Ant cutting down our tree!

The whole gang with our chosen two!

Whos ready for UTAH!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

New Updates...


Princess Dakota and Angel Emma

Not sure why all of the
grownups are making such a fuss!!

Best pic we could get of the group!

Lil' Tigger!

The Girls

Me, Dan and his mom

We made a quick weekend trip up to Oregon to visit Dan's family that he lived with for a year before I brought him back to Cali! And we went to a pumpkin festival with the kids complete with a Petting Zoo, Pony Rides, a pumpkin launcher and corn maze!!

Katie getting a ride on her pony

Cute lil cow enjoying all the attention...and food, from the kiddies!

Me and Dan at the pumpkin patch!

Alex, Katie, and Jake all decked out for Uncle Jerry's football game! Go Blue Ticks!! League Champs!!


Emma hiding under our bed from the scary evil VACUUM!!

Look how big Emma is!! Almost all grown up and only 4 months old!!

Emma hiding in our hall closet... something Dad put her up to Im sure!


The storm we had recently uprooted our neighbors tree and took our fence along with it!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Couple more Videos

You can hear Dan telling me how ridiculous I am because I was a little worried about Gavin pulling on Emma's ear!

Uncle Ry playing with Gavin...sorry its so dark!

Gavin walking????

Emma Swimming at the River!!

A long update

It sure has been a while since I was able to update the blog! We were having trouble getting internet hooked up in our new place and things have just been crazy busy! Here is a post, mostly in pics about the last couple weeks! Emma playing in the water at the river

Passed out after a hard night of playing at Aunt Beez
Engagment party!

Happy Engagee!

Kevin (Kim's BF), Kim (our wedding photographer and my BFF from highschool!)

Brandi and Ava playing with the camera at our engagment party

Auntie Beth, Gpa Ed, GG all hanging out at the engagment party

Tim and Jammie

Adg and Trinette and our engagment party

Nick at the engagment party...he flew out from NYC and then hitched a ride up from the bay with Dan's Aunt and Uncle, now thats determination! Love you Nickers!!

Gavin rockin the cowboy look at Country in the Park

Dan and I at Country in the Park

Beezers and Gavin enjoying some live country music!

Dan and I in San Fransisco hotel after a night of drinking in the city with Kristy, Tim and Jammie, and Dan's friend Anthony from the Navy. Anthony lives in Florida but was out in Cali for a buisness trip and we were able to hang out a bit and crash in his hotel room!

"Are we there yet Dad?" Dakota asks as she rests on Dan on the long drive up to Humboldt to visit the Ellsmores!

Emma sleeping in creative ways in the car!

Gavin and Dakota...Best buds?

Just goofin around!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Camping with the Murans!

This past weekend Brandi, Gavin, Dan and I went camping for a day up in Tahoe with the Muran family! We brought the new puppy, Emma, on her first camping trip! We had a blast, here are some pics!! Cindy, Andy and Dave

Dan with the puppy pack..What a cutie!!

Emma making friends with Andy..

And Cindy!!


The newest addition to the Jones' household! Introducing EMMA, born 6/22/09!! She is such a cutie! Dakota is still a little unsure but they are already starting to play together!

Emma JonesDakota is not too sure about being a big sis!

First night with Emma
Kisses for Daddy!
Just hanging out!