Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Weekend Fun!

Ryan and Adrienne made it up for a Sacramento visit and we had a blast! Spent some time floating down the river, playing games and just relaxing. Jen, Travis and Samson came over on Sunday and we let the dogs play while we soaked up the sun on the river in true SacTown style! So good to see you all!!
This is true Cousin-Lovin!

Vacationing Ry and Adg

They are just playing, i promise!

Ready for some river fun!

Dakota, Schar and Samson :They will put up with anything for a chance to play at the river!


Jen, Adg, and Beezers

Ry, Lace, and Trav

Doter, Schar, and Sam

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Friday with the Ellsmores!

The Ellsmores are moving to Chico! And they were in town bringing a load down from Humboldt so Brands and I went over to see the family! Such a cute house they are moving into and we couldnt believe how different and grown up the girls are now! They are interacting so much more than before and gave us all plenty of smiles. Its hard to capture how adorable they are but I sure gave it my best shot!